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Invitation to deliver Mental Health Provision at Juno

Updated: Feb 15

We're looking for a partner to deliver mental health provision in Juno residential care homes in Wirral.

There are three main elements that we’re looking for our partner to deliver from April 2024- March 2025, in the context of this strategy:

  1. We need a consistent Clinical Psychologist, working typically two hours per week in partnership with the Registered Manager and team in each Juno Home, helping ensure staff fully understand the needs, experiences and appropriate support strategies for children in our care. This work will include reviewing preadmission assessments, creating formulations for children, participating in team meetings, delivering briefing/training and co-designing support strategies with the Registered Manager, updating key plans and reviewing their effectiveness. We have one home open, a second home due to open in May 2024, and a third home planned for Oct/Nov 2024, so we would like your involvement with us to scale up over the year. We would like the majority of the work to be conducted in person at our homes in west Merseyside, although occasional virtual meetings would be acceptable.

  2. We want clinical supervision for Juno staff to help them address the emotional impact of working with children who have experienced loss, change and trauma, as well as improving practice and the quality of care. You will help staff to understand what clinical supervision is and how to get the most out of it, and then deliver 6 weekly supervision sessions for social care practitioners and the management team in each home (approx. 10 staff). We may ask you for additional sessions, sometimes at short notice in response to a significant incident where staff may require support. The role will not require any line management supervisory duties.

  3. We need to be able to access a sessional Clinical Psychologist who can provide psychoeducation, groupwork, counselling and post-incident support for children in each home, as required, on a “spot purchase" basis. (This will be funded separately).

Find out more:

Deadline: 5pm on Friday, 1st March

All proposals will be reviewed by Juno’s SLT, and we’ll invite you to a session to discuss the plan in more detail if we feel it could be a great fit. Final decisions will be made by the end of March 2024.

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